Sunday, 22 February 2015

COTE - The end of an era

As i write this, there is an empty spot in my garage. It's been 7 years since that's happened, but it finally happened again. The celica has been sold. 

That concludes a decade of me driving a toyota celica. The first 3 years and 98.000km were driven with the one and only black celica. The last 7 years (and 200.000km) were driven with the gray, which never really truly could fill the footsteps of the black one. 
So yesterday I sold the car to two Libanese brothers, the older one paying for the car the younger one is going to drive. Given his enthausiasm for the car, and his brothers sceptism, I thinkit's going to a good home, maybe even a better home than it had with me, since for him it really is the one :-)

This also means that my COTW rants are going to have to come to an end, since I'll have to decide on what car I want to fill that empty place in the garage. For the moment I'm chasing down a BMW Z3, so keep your fingers crossed for the next post to arrive very soon. 

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